As the summer approached and the days in sunny San Diego got hotter we craved a tasty, fruity, menthol flavor that was better than the rest. Enter Sophia, our delicious answer to our cravings. We blended some of the finest fruits with a delicate mix of koolada and crafted these flavors to create something truly beautiful, just like Sophia. As you inhale your taste buds are engulfed in a variety of the finest berries and on the exhale you will feel the mellow icy effect of the koolada. Menthol vapers will love this eliquid. Not a menthol fan? Don't worry this juice is so jam packed with flavor this will break all your rules and become one of your all time favorites. Sophia is one of the few cooling eliquids on the market that is truly worthy of the description: "Premium". Coming in a chubby authentic bottle you will vape this flavor with the ease of the drip tip on the bottle. High Class juice all the way.