Endorsement Program



High Class Vape Co. is a trending new E-Liquid company offering affordable vape liquids to those in the community that are of age to vape. Our mission is to continue providing reasonably priced vapor liquids and build our brand to be one of the most recognized in the industry. Our sponsorship program is designed to do just that in the form of allowing others to promote High Class Vape Co. within their circles of influence. When we are looking to endorse/sponsor an individual, we have criteria that must be met and maintained to ensure that we are viewed as an authority in the vaping industry and doing right by our customers.

Requirement #1: A love For Vaping & it’s culture.

You must show a real effort to advocate for vaping and have a true passion for the industry.

Requirement #2:  Active Social Media Account

It is expected that at least one of the platforms listed below have the minimum requirements met to be considered for sponsorship. Those who clearly exceed the requirements for at least one of these, will have a higher chance at becoming sponsored.
  • Facebook: 1,000 likes/friends
  • Twitter: 1000 followers
  • Instagram: 5,000 Followers
  • Blog/website owners: At Least 100 views per day & a link to our homepage on your blog/site is the minimum.
  • If there is a platform that is not listed, please include it in your sponsorship request in the dedicated section of the form. We will periodically check to ensure that the majority of your following/traffic is not bot or spam accounts.

    Requirement #3: Content Expectation

    As a sponsored vapor, there are some expectations for sharing and posting that must be followed if approved. These expectations include:

  • Sharing the High Class eLiquid brand with your following at a rate of at least 4 times per month
  • Share your discount code (10% off) with each post that is made on your behalf for the High Class eliquid brand.
  • Compensation

    In return for your consistent support and exposure of High Class Vape Co’s brand,   sponsored vapers will be compensated in one or more of the following ways:

  • Juice replenishment - Once a month. (quantity will be discussed upon approval and will be determined on an individual basis, as well as changed if the sponsee loses a portion of their following or are deemed less effective from when they signed up as a sponsor. Alternatively juice quantity can be increased if the sponsee’s influence greatly increases as well as traffic from their channels increases.
  • Those that are sponsored by High Class Vape Co. will be the first to get new flavors, new bottles, accessories, apparel, and other cool swag!
  • Periodically receive higher value coupon codes and discounts (than your standard 10% off) that you can share with your following so they can save on High Class Vape liquids.
  • Please allow around 5 days from the day you submit your application to hear from us. We will email you with our decision. If you are denied, you will be given a reason why and may reapply in 30 days from the denial date for reconsideration. Any duplicate applications will be flagged and marked as denied. We will verify your age during the application process so DO NOT APPLY IF YOU’RE UNDERAGE!

    As you can imagine, we get dozens of requests per week for sponsorship by eager vapers. We want to remind you that we are only human  and we may fall outside of these time periods for the application process as we expect a great deal of applicants. Although this may happen from time to time, bare with us. We will get back to you as soon as possible and we assure you that it is NOT personal.

    **YouTubers - Please Contact Us If You Would Like to Review Our Products or Be a sponsored Youtube Vapers.**

    YouTubers can email us at marketing@highclassvapeco.com